Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mittens x2!!!

I finished my second mitten day! So excited! I spent the whole morning on the couch in my pj's watching movies because movies make me knit faster lol! I think I watched 4 movies. So i was basically on the couch until 4:00! I'm such a loser! At least my mittens are done! I love them. I have been wearing them all day. So it's valentines day and I'm at Robby's. We watched Zombie land and then Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs. Both were good I liked Zombie land better though. I miss just laying and watching movies with Robby. :] He wrote me a lovely letter and it made me cry it was amazing. I gave him a HUGE bag of candy and one of my hearts. I can't wait until my ring comes in!!! It should be here any day now. he only ordered it like a month ago! lol! So I am going to start working on my long list of hats now. I'm going to see how many I can make before the olympics are over! I think I have at least 5 to make. I think I can do that easily. The only9 challenge will be the beret since I've never made one. But I thought my mittens would be a challenge and I finished them in two days! :] Happy valentines day!

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