Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hat 1 of the ravelympics done

Today I finished Ashleigh's hat. It was my first hat for the ravelympics. I have 5 total to complete. It is super slouchy and very cute. I can't wait to take some model pics in it. I am going to complete the day by making 2 hearts and 3 cancer ribbons. Then tomorrow I'm bringing Tante Lise's hat to class. Then I have Pepere's beret to do, but I need a pattern to print out before I can start it. So, yesterday was such a nice day. Me and Rob went to Olive Garden and it was great. Then we make cookies and cupcakes, well I did, he really just likes to watch lol! So it was so much fun and we ended the night by watching Cake Boss. :] Then he drove me home in some beautiful snow.Which ended up ruining all of today's plans. :/ I couldn't drive up to Lindsay's because it was so bad! So i went to the library and I got some knitting books and I'm going to make some cute stuff from them. My new ipod came in today!!!! I'm so excited! My old ipod ran out of memory so my mom bought me a 16gb and I'm giving her my 8gb one! :] so happy!

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