Saturday, February 13, 2010

mittens :]

I'm working on my mittens today. I finished the BOKU hat for Lauren last night before I went to bed. I didn't get a chance to post because I was so exhausted I fell asleep on the way home from price choppers with robby. He came over this morning. I missed him so much we barely saw each other at all this week. It's was a pretty sad week. So I'm on my first mitten. I'm magic looping them for the ravelympics. I went out and bought dpts. but I didn't understand then so I switched over. They are looking nice. I did a 1x1 rib for the cuff and now I'm just doing the rest in stockinette. I hope they look good. I'm hoping to finish them this weekend. Monday I have off for Presidents Day so technically that's still the weekend lol! And once that is done, I need to start on Aubrey's giraffe. I still never found a good giraffe pattern, but I found an adorable Donkey and a Cow and I think mixing the two would be PERFECT. Giraffe's have those knobby things and I think they just are long necked horses so if I elongate the neck and then use the cows horns and turn them into the knobs, oh nvm explaining lol it'll look good. and i think i may either attempt to do color work or I'm going to find orange/yellow/brown yarn instead. I think it'll look nice. I have my green tree BOKU hat on today. It looks fab with my hair cut! Can't wait to start looking good in hats again.My hair was way too long for slouch hats. OH! And my sheep to sock yarn bag come in from ravelry today! I love it! it's a very good holder rather than a Ziploc baggie!

I finished mitten #1. I did it in the magic loop method. Taught myself thank you very much! I also decided to cheat and keep them fingerless because I couldn't understand the decrease part of the pattern. They look very nice though! I had a small hole near the thumb due to my non skills of mitten knitting but i went back and sewed it up and you'd never know! I can't wait to get the other one done so I can wear then Tuesday on my date with Lindsay!

I have a job to do this week! Memere requested a red hat with a purple flower to give to my Aunt Lise who has cancer. I think she'll really like it. I already planned on giving her one of my hearts and I was going to make her a cancer ribbon from a pattern I found online (google cancer ribbon pattern) it looked so easy i plan on making a ribbon for everyone I know who has/had cancer. So I forgot Pepere's birthday which was Thursday :[ I feel really bad. I'm going to make him a beret. A nice gray one. He's been asking for one. I just need to print the pattern and get going. I have so much knitting to get done this week! I hope I have enough time! \

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