Friday, February 19, 2010

it's a two hat kinda day

I finished two hats today! Aren't you proud?! I finished the hot pink hat. I decided its for Lisa not Jenna after I tried it on lol. I'll do Jenna's tmrw possibly during the movies if I go. Then I decided to do the Aspen hat. Its a very cute hat with a button and a nice bottom. I got the nicest yarn. Lana grande in the dark green.Its gorgeous and soft, but I didn't have size 15 needles and used 13s and then didn't gauge (i never do) and guess what? It could fit a little baby. I am contemplating frogging it and getting 15s or just using the rest for the hat and giving the baby one away. I haven't decided.

I went to AC Moore before I babysat and bought 4 balls. 2 of the quick&thick for my cowl. And then purple and a brown for who knows what. They were chunky too. and on sale!

My ring came in finally! Why do I have to have such skinny fingers? I got a 5, the smallest size they carry and I keep having to adjust it it kinda big. But how could I go any smaller? Oh well. As long as it doesn't go past my knuckle I'll be fine. It's beautiful and I love it. Best present ever. Until I get my birthday pet.

I went to retail 101 today with mom, Jill, and the cousin Jared. I miss him we used to be much closer. everything is the same when we are together but we hardly ever are. I got a couple sweaters, a hoodie, sweatpants, and 3 pairs of shoes. gotta love $9 shoes! I spent $82 but when I go into A&E I know I'll see the bargain I got. I also got a couple $15 necklaces for only $2. And a cute little hat for $5.Now tell me that's not a steal!

I babysat tonight and the kids were fine. I like babysitting them they are fun. They definitely keep me on my toes. I also finished The Last Song over there. I started reading it while Brandon played Bakugan on his DS and he was so intent on me finishing it he wouldn't go to bed until I did. He's so sweet.

I have a ton of homework to get done tomorrow I think... lol I always forget. But I'm sure I do. Mid terms next week. Just kill me now. LOL. I really hope I do well. I took an online quiz tonight and I did fine I got 6 points off and some of them the computer didn't know how to score so my teacher has to give me the points. and freaking one of them i didn't know you could choose more than one so I got that wrong. whatever.Stupid school. I can't wait until next spring and I will be done!

Visited the boy at work tonight <3 Love him. He made me a delicious reeses peanut butter cup sundae with extra cups and extra cream and extra cherries. <3 he's the best. I couldn't finish it but it wasso delish. i loved it.

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