Wednesday, August 3, 2011

10 on tuesday: 10 reasons rats make great pets

10 Reasons that rats make great pets:
1. Besides being super adorable, they are very friendly.
 2. They love to cuddle & be held 
3. They don't bite like hamsters or guinea pigs
4. They are quick learners, Purl is potty trained and stands and comes on command.
5. Unlike what people may think they are actually extremely clean pets! Purl bathes herself like a cat all the time. 
6. Great with kids, my niece and nephew both love Purl and stick their fingers in her cage but she just licks their little fingers.

7. There are multiple varieties, sizes and colors of rats. Purl is a hooded fancy rat.
8. They like car rides, Purl sits on my shoulder for ten minutes at a time until she gets bored and she just likes sitting in her carrier in the car.
9. Love snacks, purl eats babyfood, and basically anything sweet. 
10. Like to watch TV, Purl sits on my shoulder and watched TV all the time. Even from her cage she watches it, so adorable.
Purl is basically the best pet I've ever had. She gets really excited when i come home and she loves to sit with me and cuddle. its great when you're having a bad day! and you can just put her back in the cage when you're done not like a dog where it follows you around and barks lol. 

1 comment:

  1. She's a cute lookin' rat.
    The ones my long ago ex had were a bit ugly and very aggressive when you tried to feed them peanuts.
