Wednesday, August 3, 2011

WIP Wednesday 8-3-11

It's WIP Wednesday and this is what I have for you this week:

A very large hippo. He's from Knitted Wild Animals and I wasn't expecting him to be so large!!

A very soft blanket. It's knit with mohair and alpaca. I had 2 balls of this mohair with nothing to make with them and one ball left of baby alpaca glow. so i'm doing a ball of mohair, the ball of glow and another ball of mohair. 

2 Brimmed hats. They are currently brimless but they won't be for long.

I also have my Irving the Icebox monster started but I haven't worked on him since the last time I posted.

I have 3 projects I want to whip up asap so these may be back next week. we shall see how much knitting I get done.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That hippo is super-sized. Definitely huggable and a protector from the wild beasts out there!
    An alpaca and mohair blanket? Lucky recipient I'd say. Person betta appreciate that yarn.
    Can't wait to see how the brims come out on those beanies.
