Monday, August 1, 2011

made by monday

So, i haven't been up on my game but i have been knitting a lot. just a bunch of different things so everything is half finished and only a couple things are rly finished. 

This is the pillow I made Jimmy, SHS colors.
 This is Jerry the Army monkey. I made it for Mikey's best friend Ant who I met this weekend. :]
 This is baby Jerry that i made for Mama. She loves him.
 This is the kitty I made for my lovely friend Deb who made me a case for my tall double pointed needles. it's working out great and its beautiful! I'm making her a Chloe doll too :]

 I made another heart pillow just for fun
I took Jimmy to Lake Compounce this week. this was after our first ride on Thunder Rapids. We got soaked as you can see!

Purl came with me to Mike's this weekend which made me a lot calmer and less stressed thinking about her home alone. She sat on my shoulder for a while until I got on the highway and she got antsy.
 I cut my bangs this week, I like them :]
 And I leave you with a silly picture of my lovely boyfriend wrapped in caution tape falling off a chair. We had a fun Saturday night...


  1. Jimmy looks so sweet hugging his pillow. I bet he's your #1 knitting fan :O).
    I love that first monkey you made. I like the camouflage colors and it looks so cute! What pattern is it and where's it from?
    You are such a devoted owner to your Purl. How old is she and where'd you get her?

  2. Thanks Emi for the kitty for my granddaughter. I showed it to a neighbor's 10 year old girl Alicia and she loved it too. You are such a talented knitter!!! Can't wait to see the little girl you are making too! And the monkey is adorable! Keep on knitting girlfriend!!! You are amazing!
