Wednesday, July 6, 2011

WIP Wednesday

Hey everyone! It's "work-in-progress wednesday" I hope you like my new design on the blog! Here is what I've been up to with the WIPs:

Honestly, I've been knitting so much up in the guest room watching netflix with the air conditioner on due to this sunburn that i have no WIPS. But i will post about what I am going to start today once i feel like making a trip back down stairs. I made 3 things yesterday and 1 today so far so be prepared for a long post on Monday!

1.Pillow Case. I am going to do eac section in a different color. Purple, Mustard and Light Green. It sounds ugly but i think it'll be cute.
2. Reasonably Hip Hat: I have the brown yarn up here with me I just need the right needle size

3. Army Doll: I'm making this for mike's best friend who will be home on leave in a few weeks. i'm making some changes and i bought camo yarn.

4. Totally Biased Cowl: I had to frog mine as the gauge was too loose so I will work on it a bit tonight

hopefully i have some finished stuff for monday to show you. hopefully all of these!

1 comment:

  1. You are a machine!
    I like this bright background. It suits you b/c of your upbeat, sunny personality!
