Tuesday, July 12, 2011

made by monday

so lets start with a quick weekend wrap up before i do the finished stuff.
friday and saturday i went to Ctcon with my little cousin Evonne. it was a ton of fun. I was Misty and she was Mario and a character from final fantasy.

Sunday after Evonne went home I went up to Winsted for the night and cuddled and relaxed with Gabes all night.

So this week this is what I have finished:

Mouse from Susan Anderson's Spud & Chloe on the Farm, I've had this super soft yarn for awhile with no use i could find for it and I thought it would be good for this project instead of plain white yarn.
Tony the Toybox Monster from The big Book of Knitted Monsters by Rebecca Danger, I made a little mistake but overall I love him. He went to a good home this weekend. I'm sure my little cousin Lauren will let him play with all her toys.
This is Hugo also from the Big Book of Knitted Monsters, you may remember him from my Take a Picture Thursday. I finished him that night. I made him into a back pack and I really love it. I wore it Friday to Ctcon. I want to make another hugo though because he is a great cuddling monster.

I made this when Evonne was over, it's a piece of cardboard with yarn wrapped around it and I stuck some needles in it. I really love it and  think I'm going to make more when I have my future yarn room.
I finally tie dyed my yarn. I love it. It's gorgeous and I can't wait to make some super cool monsters out of it

This is Annabelle. I bought her at Ctcon she is hand made and i love her so. They named her and I promised I'd keep her name. Evonne decided she needs a boyfriend so I shall make her one.

This is just a chain i've been working on. I have some scrap yarn and I was practicing and I wanted to use the whole ball. The end got tangled but its a pretty long chain anyways.
this is a heart i made for my great uncle werner, my uncle phil gave me some yarn to make him something since his wife passed away last year and this is what i came up with
the back has wings on it. i hope he loves it.
and the hat with the brim idea from WIP Wednesday didn't go as planned but i experimented my own brim on this hat i already had made and i like it. i think i have to make the hat first and just pick up the stitches. i love it though i can't wait to make more.

well thats all I have for this week. I have a couple ideas for this week so hopefully i'll have more to show next monday.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome projects there! So sweet what you did for your uncle. The hat here came out great!
    How cute you went to Comic Con w/your young cousin and even dressed up! How fun!
