Monday, July 4, 2011

made by monday

So this week's "made by Monday" has 3 finished items.
First up we have the chowder hat for Evonne's CTCON costume.

Second, we have Togepi for my CTCON costume.

And third, is Jerry the monkey. But i want to rename "her" because she's pink and white which is girlie for a boy lol. 
So I spent the last 5 days with Mike which was great. I'll give a quick rundown of the weekend. It's 4th of July weekend, Thursday after he got out of work Mike came over and spent the night. Friday we hung out and stuff and then after work I went to Winsted. We went out for a great dinner at Chatterly's then we went to coldstone. This is what I got:

Then Saturday we went tubing down the farmington river and i got massive sunburn. it really put a damper on the rest of the weekend. i can hardly sleep. it's horrible. aloe is my new best friend.

 sunday we got breakfast with Erica and Eric and then we went to Kristen's house for a party. Then we hung out with Erica and Eric again and we ended up sleeping there. This morning the 4 of us and Eric's sister went out for breakfast again. Me and Mike went to a party at his aunts and then i came home because i really missed purl lol. I've been drinking this all weekend. Kristen bought me a bottle for my birthday and i loved it so i bought another. 

I came home to some lovely packages. I got my new book, knitted wild animals. and my yarn scale. I just need to pick up some weird batteries for the scale. 

So Kepanie my friend on ravelry started doing this new thing. so i'm going to do it too!
I chose to work on my three newest books because i really want to start knitting more cutesy toys. So i chose to do the following projects:

Spud & Chloe on the Farm:
-barn cat
Knitted Wild Animals:
The Big Book of Knitted Monsters:
-toothy joe

My goal would really be to do one of each book each week but i doubt that will happen. i think my official goal will be at least one of the projects in a week along with my other projects that i want to do.

this week besides my knitting i also plan on tie dying some yarn. i have this cotton yarn for dying and i bought tie dye this week. i'm going to make one of the monsters (or 2) out of it. can't wait.

so the fireworks are going off but i had a really good weekend i don't need to see them. it was a great time i couldn't have asked for anything better (except maybe minus the sunburn) i'm going to relax now and work on some stuff and watch some more netflix. 

oh and also, i tagged my posts so you can search for the WIP Wednesday, FO Fridays, Made by Mondays, and Ten on Tuesdays and see them all in one place.

1 comment:

  1. Mahalo for the linkbacks! :O)
    Can't wait to see your projects forming, esp. the Spud & Chloe ones. Are you on Ravelry? You should join the Itty Bitty Group if you aren't a part of it.
