Wednesday, June 29, 2011

WIP Wednesday

For this week we have 4 things. One that is 97% one that is 45% one is -17% and one is 15%

 at negative seventeen percent we have the bias cowl. i don't like the needle size. it's too loose so i'm switching it to 6 instead of 7
 chowder hat is 97% all i need to do is weave in all the ends. which i did half of yesterday.
 togepi. now, he is at 45% but thats questionable. i'm designing it myself so this is going good so far. it will hopefully resemble this:

 this is jerry the monkey. i keep saying it's getting started and don't start it. but i finally did. the body is getting close to half. so he's at 15% i'm hoping to show you finished projects on monday. hopefully even more than this. togepi's main body is being stuffed and finished tonight then i will just have to pick up stitches for the points and do arms and feet.
and i leave you with keegan. we hung out today. my little love bug. he's playing with the jeep i bought him. mike picked it out. obvi.

1 comment:

  1. Are you anal about the % done so far like I am? I'm always about accuracy. It's the teacher in me.
    I LOVE Togepi!!! I used to watch Pokemon and got addicted to that hand held Nintendo game. I loved the episode where Pikachu doesn't want to morph into Richu b/c he thought himself to be fine the way he is!
