Tuesday, June 28, 2011

10 on tuesday

ten things i'm looking forward to this summer:

1. conneticon in a few weeks with my cousin evonne. i'm going to be misty and she's going to be chowder. i'm knitting her hat now and my togepi is next.
2. tubing down the farmington river with mike and the rest of my other family
3. getting tan. i actually wanna go to the beach and enjoy being outside. hopefully with some knitting.
4. using up all my stash. hopefully my new books will help me with that. i just always seem to have the wrong colors.
5. meeting mike's best friend anthony when he is home on leave from iraq. (i'm knitting him a special surprise for his arrival)
6. riding rollercoasters at lake compounce
7. going up to maine to visit caitlin mat and maddycakes <3
8. sleeping in whenever i want.
9. doing some awesome crafts like homemade crayons and dying my own yarn.
10. fourth of july fire works :]

1 comment:

  1. Great list and your generous heart is lovely! What new books did you get?
