Tuesday, June 21, 2011

ten on tuesdays

so i'm at a loss of what to do for this ten on Tuesday. lol. Well since Jimmy is graduating on Thursday I guess it would be appropriate to talk about my 10 favorite memories of high school.

1. freshman year finally having my first boyfriend and doing all those cutesy high school things like writing notes and holding hands
2. going to lake compounce for the first time and then spending the following summer there everyday with Danielle and the following summer there 40hours a week as a job.
3. Christmas break sleepover week with Danielle. Staying up late calling the Thomaston boys and going bowling.
4. Mrs. Ferrett's class. My good friend Tom was in this class as well and sadly isn't with us anymore. :[ but this class was amazing its when we really became friends and i became friends with Brittany
5. Senior year being in ms. lev's class all year for pottery. best class and best teacher ever. ms. lev is like my mentor i tell her everything and she guides me towards the right decisions. i don't know what i would have done without her senior year. she wiped a lot of tears.
6. being the best buddies treasurer. i wish i knew about best buddies sooner and i would have been more involved but jimmy being in the club with me definitely helped.
7. having 3 study halls senior year. yes three. and i had a class 8th period so i couldn't even leave. 4th, 6th and 7th period were all study halls. 7th period was tom's lunch and jordan was in this study so it was so much fun for me having all my friends there and having tom listen to my drama when jordan was in a pissy mood.
8. working at giggles n grins and meeting maureen. she's one of my very best friends and i can't wait until her little one comes into this world. :]
9. doing the ms. miller voice with keri and reading twilight. me and keri loved talking about books and how annoying our boyfriends were.
10. careers in education class. such a fun class. we actually got to student teach for a month in 3 different classes. it was such a great experience and we ate a lot of snickerdoodle cookies when we weren't out in the field.

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