Monday, June 20, 2011

FO Friday a couple days late

Friday was such a busy day i didn't have time to post. i only had one fo anyways. my jackalope. i'm in love with him. i give away all my best things. i made this pattern up completely. i used the pattern in amigurumi knits as an idea but i hated how tedious it was. thus jackalope was born.

but wednesday, thursday, friday and this weekend were awesome.

wednesday was my birthday i turned 21. :] this is what i got from michael.its an anchor necklace <3

 this is me at sliders for my first legal drink

 and at sam the clams for my second
 thursday lauren took me out to dinner and then slept over. it was a blast. i ordered a mudslide with my dinner. de-fricken-licious

we tie dyed shirts that night:
 then friday was my party. lauren stayed over until noon she helped me clean, bake,

shop and do everything for the party. and she couldn't even go, best friends for life.

these are some party pictures. there are more on my fb if you wanna check them out :]

i went back to winsted saturday and me and mike had a great day. he swam in the lake and i watched:
 then we went out in the jeep:

 we even took baxter for a ride lol.
 it was such a great weekend and i can't wait to see what the rest of the summer brings.


  1. What a great b-day you had! Pretty necklace and you were holding up very well w/your cocktails.

  2. thank you! :] it was a great day
