Friday, June 10, 2011

FO Friday

Here are my finished objects of the week (some of these are older)

 these are my felted bowls/plates whatever you want to call them lol
 these are itty bitty bowls^

my hats finally have pom poms

i made mama a bag for her walker so she can carry things around
 this is my favorite hat <3 this is the back view
 this is the side view
 little book mark
 bolster pillow.
my fuzzy monster has a mouth now
 more chunks. i am loving the googly eyes.
thats all i have to show this week. but i currently have like 5 things packed to bring to mikes this weekend. including: more chunks, a purse, a jackalope, a shawl, and the other bolster pillow. hopefully i'll have stuff to share wednesday for wip wednesday. and don't forget about 10 on tuesdays. :]


  1. Do you know there are Japanese knitting books of Hello Kitty? A friend of mine gave me hers b/c she has no time to knit; my book is something like this one:

  2. Read about this former model who raises sheep to sheer, clean and dye their wool, and make her Namaste Farms yarn line which is sold at Yarnmarket via Vogue Knitting on FB! She sells charmed Hello Kitty yarn:

  3. Super cute hat with the bow ... and great bag for the walker!
