Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Birthday WIP Wednesday

I have been working on a lot lately.
I have this custom order for a shawl. All that's left is the tassles but I left my crochet hook at Mike's so I have to wait until he bring it over today.

I'm also working on a jackalope for Mat. It's coming out great. The pattern from my book was really finicky and hard and i didn't like it so i made my own. this is what i did so far and i'm working on it right now.

i also started a purse this weekend. using some of the yarn uncle phil bought me.

and this is all i have left to wind. i've been on a roll with winding. most of it has gone to my purse though.

and i haven't made a ton of progress on my bolster pillow but here it is.

 hopefully i finish the jackalope today. today is my birthday and i'm just hanging around until mike gets here. i can't wait to spend the day with him. and today is also me and purls anniversary. <3 a whole year. so we are going to spend some quality time together. i got her a nice treat for dinner. macaroni and vegetables. so i can't wait to go have a drink tonight to celebrate my legal-ness. have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Hau 'oli la hanau. Have a beautiful day.
    You are such a positive and bright person which is reflected in the colorways you choose for your projects.
