Monday, June 27, 2011

Fo friday always fails lol

alright so i always am too busy on fridays to post so i think i'm going to switch it up this week. instead of fo friday i'm going to do a post on mondays. i don't know what to call it so any ideas would be appreciated. :]

so thursday was jimmy's graduation i'm so proud of him <3

i made him this owl:
i just finished it a little while ago since this weekend was so busy

friday night i went to the mammoth jack concert with mike & danielle

saturday night my sister caitlin and brother in law mat came to visit, they took me out for a birthday drink

we had a great party sunday for jimmy

but through the rest of the week this is what i got done knitting wise

charlie the ceiling monster is complete

the red monster chunk is complete

and i made this cute cowl too
I also finally wove in all the ends on my purse so it's finally done!
off to start a hat for my little cousin

1 comment:

  1. How about "Made One Monday"?
    What a great purse. Love those colors you used to stripe. That monster is cute. I like how you striped its legs which matched its trunk.
    Funny cake and what love it shows.
    I've always loved William-Sonoma's margarita mix.
