Saturday, May 7, 2011

missing you & done with school

so mike is in maryland for a job, he's been there for 2 weeks and he should be back this week. i've been such a bum missing him but i've been trying to get a ton of knitting done before he comes home. i miss him sooooo much and i can't wait until he comes back home. then i'm locking him up so he can never leave again lol.

but also to tell you guys, i'm finally done with school for the semester. that means i'll finally be opening my etsy shop! i just need to wait for my pictures that my lovely friend Heidi who owns took for me last time we hung out. she's a great photographer and if you are looking to have pictures taken soon you should definitely check her out. once i have my pictures i'll be putting everything up onto etsy ASAP. :]

so onto the knitting, here's what we've made:

 this is a little monster that I made for one of Heidi's twins, she bought my blue one so she needed another. i love the color.
 this is for mike. lime green his favorite color. he's seen a picture already and he loves it. i love it too. this is probably my favorite pattern for monsters.
 my hot air balloon. it was going to be the head of a doll but i didn't like the pattern, i was at Heidi's and about to rip it out when she suggested i turn it into a hot air balloon! i quickly knit up a basket and added the strings and a little clown, some needle felted spots and it is good to go.
Daphne and Delilah!!! Aren't they the cutest???

 I finally added a button to my basketstitch mug cozy. i'm loving it already
 as you can see... lol
and these i did last night. they are going to be like the monster chunks but i've made my own pattern and i'm doing something different with their faces. stay tuned.

also everyone, jimmy finally finished his third hat! he's finished his 1st one in september if you remember. and i must have forgotten to take a picture of his 2nd one. but it was beige. he can't wait to start a new one. i think we'll stop at bayberry so he can pick something out. 

well i have to get ready i'm going to my cousin jihe's 18th birthday party in a couple hours and i need to get ready and finish up her gift!! i'm so last minute!

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