Sunday, September 12, 2010

hey hey

let's see whats been going on, i've been pretty busy this week. newly single and just having fun with my friends now that i have some free time. it's been fun. as much as i miss being in a relationship i'm trying to enjoy the time i have to myself. yesterday was a really fun day. i actually hung out with one of my ex boyfriends along with lauren. we went mini golfing then we went to the park and to get ice cream and to dairy queen and to petco. it was fun. we just acted childish and immature and it was great lol. it fun to act like a kid again.

me and purl took some webcam pictures:

i finished another bunny for an order. this time without duplicate stitch cause i didn't like how it looked.

i made a baby hat for katie to give as a babyshower present

and i made these cute bangles. it only took me an hour to make all three!

did i show you my finished cowl? it took me long enough. can't wait to be able to wear it!

i also am in the process of a couple things:
snowman hat #2
dee's mohawk hat
a multi colored square i plan on felting

thats it. oh the other day i went to memere's to see my cousins. marie ange was here from california with her friend jordan and suzanna came with the girls and adam was there too. it was a fun time! i love hanging out with the girls. i taught Lauren how to knit and i got Evonne back on track with hers. Lauren helped me work on my snowman hat. she did a great job. Evonne likes my ipod a little bit better than knitting but thats ok with me.

and sarah is just a bundle of laughs! love that baby!

and suzanne is so great she got me the best present ever!

this is so going in the back window of the escort!!!!

and i bought new stuffing since i am close to running out... i don't think i'll be running out for a LONG time.

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