Sunday, May 1, 2011

a collection of finished stuff

 This is the hello kitty wallet that i knitted. looking for someone to sew the zipper in it for me! message me if you're interested.
 this is my cute little hat i made last week. i love the nubbles.
 this is Daphne i love her. I'm going to knit Delilah tonight. That's her baby that goes in her pocket.
 A cute owl! He's from a book I have. I love his eyes. They aren't sewn on or glued or anything. They are just held on his the safety eyes. It adds a really cool look.
 Keegan at the Daffodil Festival
 Such a little cutie
 baby and mommy
 the three of us, he's totally crying but he was just tired. yesterday he was totally calling me emi all day i love it.
 sock monkey mug cozy
 I made this hat a while ago but i never posted a good picture of it.
 dead or alive fish hat
 destroyed cowl. i love the look and it totally matches my shirt.
my cowl with its added buttons. i am a hot mess just ignore me ha ha ha.


  1. everyone should buy something from her its really good and i need her to take me out to dinner so help her out. lol jk but she really does make good stuff i have two hats already and shes making me a monster. she is also pretty cheap on prices. so buy something from her.

    love ya em


  2. ^best boyfriend ever right there
