Monday, April 4, 2011

procrastination and things I want to make

i have been knitting i didn't quit or anything i've actually been working on a line of hats that i'm designing and will be finished shortly but like this blog post is titled: PROCRASTINATION. I'm the worst but it'll get done soon.

i'm a horrible procrastinator lol. i worked on an essay all day today that's due tomorrow, but in my defense i found out about it this morning and it's basically done. just need to find a little more outside references. anyways i procrastinate with my knitting too it's so bad. I have a couple unfinished projects I would love to get done.
My abalone which should look like this:

well, i have the whole body and sleeves done I just need to do the edging but i've never picked up stitches before so I need motivation and help.

Also, I started this hat last week:

my bamboo size 7's broke because there were so many stitches and I was using my metal ones. I finally finished what was on the metal ones but I have an order to work on first.

I bought the pattern for these:

I think I have enough yarn to make them in black. I would love to make them soon but maybe over summer.

I bought this pattern as well. But I don't have the money for the yarn yet:

I also decided to embark on a blanket. I like to take naps when I hang out at Mike's house, especially when he has a fire call like yesterday and I have the hardest time sleeping without my blankie. So I'm going to make a scrap yarn blanket to keep there. It won't be too big maybe 2x2ft that seems big enough. And I'm only allowed to use yarn in my stash so it'll give me a lot of color choices. They may not match well but it'll be fun. It uses size 13's so it will hopefully go by quick too. Who knows maybe it'll end up bigger!

and of course I want to make a lot of hats, my new thing for the summer is making hats for children with cancer. I got some yarn donated by some yarn companies so I'm going to make some really cool hats not lame plain ones. CRAZY COOL hats that kids will want to wear when they are healthy again and grow their hair back. I want to find some tags to put on the side as well so they know someone was thinking about them.
these are a couple of my ideas:

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! Lots of projects!! AND THE FISH HATS!!! Ha Ha Ha I am going to get in touch with you about the hats for kids ... I'm VERY interested!
