Monday, March 21, 2011

Update of the week

 I have been so bad at keeping up with my blog. And my knitting too. :[ But here is my update:
This is my boyfriend Mike. He likes to eat. We've been going to Grace's Diner in Southington a lot. New favorite place for breakfast.

We went to Mohegan Sun a little while ago and got Ben & Jerry's I got the most delicious flavor! Late Night Snack. It had chocolate covered potato chips in it!!!
 He's too cute. Like his hat?
 He won me this monkey in the arcade <3
 I like to eat too. Everything but the place directly in front of mike is mine.
 This is Jillian's new kitten Perry
 Gnome couple. Someone wanted the boy but they wanted a girl to match. :]
 Jimmy and Ryan at Friendly's
 The shirt I made for Jimmy's basketball game
 Me and Katie went and got pizza last week after we got our eyebrows done. We devoured it :]
 Maddy and her ruffly hat
 Mike's new hat, lime green is his favorite color
 Another baby gnome order lol
 finished my cowl <3
Caitlin & Maddy are here until Thursday so I plan on knitting some. the weekend that just passed Mike spent the weekend it was so great. love him. we had so much fun. :] caitlin and maddy are napping in my bed right now. lol. pictures of this week coming soon!


  1. I like how Mike eats b/c he reminds me of how my husband eats every day, like he's had nothing all day and comes home starving. :O)

  2. thanks for commenting! it makes my day! he eats constantly i don't understand how he stays so thin!
