Saturday, February 12, 2011

A week of hats. FO week 3

This has definitely been a week of hats. I made 9 this week. I was going to make 10 but I wasn't a big fan of the 10th one and decided not to make it. Plus I didn't have the right materials and this week was all about using what I already had.

I'm trying to do my queue in groups. Like hats and stuff. I have a lot of toys so I'm trying to group them by type so that I can give myself small goals to push my queue along and use up a ton of my stash before the next time I make a visit to Webs.

Next week is going to be all about orders and gifts for people so stay tuned! I have about 9 projects i wanna get done but they are more complicated than a hat so I may not finish.

1. Cup cake hat: this is for Jillian's friend Mica. I love cupcake hats. They take longer than usual because of the nubble row but so worth it.

2. Earflap hat: adapted/made up hat. I enjoy looking at pictures of hats and saying ok i get this i don't need a pattern. I crocheted the edges of the earflaps and my dad loves it. I make him wear it all the time lol.

3. Bunny tail: Pattern from itty bitty hats, Susan anderson. I love this hat. The first time I made it I ran out of yarn to do long ears but this time I had plenty. The ears are so fun!

4. Baby turban: from the pickles blog. I am in love. I love this hat sooo much. it only took a morning to do and i love the finished project so much.

5. Flower hat: This was an order for my mom's friend. I did the hat very quickly as it was for a newborn and I put the petals on later. I got two more orders of this after making it!

6. Strawberry hat: kinda made it up after looking at a picture. I love it. I used baby yarn doubled to make it the right thickness and I did a little bit of color work for the green as well as a crocheted stem. LOVE. I saw a girl wearing a hat similar at hot topic and I was like HAVVVVVE to make this.

7. Unoriginial Cable Hat: Pattern from Ravelry I love this one. I've been trying to find a home for this yarn since I bought it and nothing seemed good enough. I'm so happy with how it came out.

8. This is the Esme hat from ravelry, I think I made a mistake because it would fit a baby or a toddler and not me lol. I am pretty sure I didn't pick up enough stitches but I still love how it came out. I will be adding a button on the brim soon.

9. Camp Hoodie Hat: Pattern by Susan Anderson
I used different color so I could use stash yarn but I quite like it. It came out a bit big would definitely fit a man so I think I will give this to my Pepere since his birthday was tomorrow.

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