Monday, December 13, 2010

almost over

i have been so busy lately, between school, going to the gym, holiday stuff and hanging out with josh& katie I havent had time at all to really blog. I've been doing some knitting but i'm still working on the blanket soooooo not much has been done. Plus i haven't had my laptop (its back finally!) so it was annoying to upload all my pictures upstairs.

the blanket is almost done. last square. i wove in all the ends on the striped ones. this is the pile os little yarn pieces i cut off.

last week i went to the mall with Danielle and Keegan to get his picture taken. He was such a good boy. After the longest wait ever and a lot of crying the pictures were done. While Danielle chose the ones she wanted me and Keegan walked around the mall. I let him go on those little car things. He loved it! The three of us are going out to lunch tomorrow with Dustin & James. I'm pretty excited!

me, katie, josh, and Rob made owl cupcakes a little while ago. That was fun. They came out pretty cute I think!

my dad and jared have matching nerd glasses hahaha

my new obsession lately is coffee. i have finally aquired the taste lol. i ask for a keurig coffee maker for christmas from santa.

Purl has been such a good baby lately. I gave her a bunch of sweet potato chips last night. idk if she likes them because I found them under my covers at 2am this morning. :/ not fun.

I had finals todayyyyyy um i hate tests. they make me super anxious even if i know the material. but i only have my wednesday exam left!! :]

hopefully i'll be getting a new phone soon. i really hate mine and my mom is due for an upgrade. i have to email myself all my pictures because it doesn't have a chip to save stuff too. i'm currently waiting for my pictures to actually send so i can post them.

this weekend i slept at katies with josh and rob saturday night. SO MUCH FUN. i hope we do that a lot more.

last weekend was a blast as well. Friday me and katie slept at joshs and then saturday night was the cousin party. which was awesome. so much fun. jared slept over after and we went to the flea market the next day.

i straightened my hair thursday night for the first time in ages. my hair is getting so long. i'm trying to grow it out and it doesn't feel long but seeing it straight it's i'm actually making progress!!

this is how long i want my hair to be again! i think this is either freshman or sophomore year. do i look like i got older? lol

i knit this pencil for my spanish teacher since i knit through her whole class i thought it would be nice lol.

i made another snowman hat :]

this is joshs cute little puppy mellow. he's gotten so big. i think he's doubled in size since they got him.

the cat enjoys making me not be able to play spider solitare :/

now that i have my laptop back i'll be able to blog a lot more. and classes end wednesday until january 11th so i will have plenty of free time.

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