Saturday, November 27, 2010

mitten mania

 This is what I wound tonight. I've been kind of behind on my winding lately.
 these are my alice's  fingerless gloves, from the eclipse movie. i found the pattern on ravelry.
 these are me with my amazing owl mittens. so proud of these.
 a close up. he still needs his eyes but you can kind of see the owl.
i'm going to make a matching hat to wear with these.
 purl running around on my bed.
 she climbed into my purse...
 purl loves my yarn addiction.
 shes getting soooooo big.
 jimmy on his birthday. he's 19 years old! can you believe it? i love my jimmy! this is at the thanksgiving football game for SHS. he was the waterboy.
purl's thanksgiving dinner.

not much other news! will have some new knitting soon! 2 more blanket squares left!

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