Tuesday, August 3, 2010

lazy lazy tuesday

I am being super lazy today. i went to work we went swimming and stuff 

and i took mama out to Dominick & Pia's for lunch and then i came home.

When i got home i played with Purl:

then kaylee and peyton came over. peyton is getting so big! i can't believe it! i meant to take pictures but i'll just steal some from kissy's facebook:

then i watched secret life of the american teenager with purl. now i am washing my sheets and typing this. i am going to watch the memory keeper's daughter next while working on my yoga sock. this is where i am right now:

UPDATE!: my yoga sock is officially done now that the movie is over. i am going to start the other one tomorrow. :] i really like it. its warm but free-ing lol.

btw i never posted about my cowl! it's done. i love it. can't wait until its cold enough to wear it. then it can go back to summer again.
i am also knitting another rug. this time for mom and we bought yarn especially for it. i only got this far and i ran out of the hometown USA skein so i need to get some more. 
 when we went to buy the yarn i found some yarn on sale!

 i also got some hemp yarn in my latest swap gift btw. i have to snap some pictures of that.

i got a new tv. my dad got a flat screen for his birthday from us so i get the old tv. 

it wouldn't reach my cable line from where it was setup so i had to rearrange my whole room. i really like it though. i love to rearrange things. i cleaned up a lot too. i tossed a tonnnn of stuff.

i am so happy to have my camera working again. i love it. best gift ever from my lovely boyfriend. :]

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