Sunday, August 1, 2010


today i super knitted. obviously.

this rug may be straight garter knitting BUT those freaking needles are awesome and super hard to handle! it didn't take me very long, only about a half an hour.

i also finished the gnome i was telling you about. i still need to put the beard on him though.
i was going to use my new safety eyes. but stupid me forgot until after i sewed it all up. :[

yesterday i bought a new purse from Viva La Vintage in the village of Plantsville. It's a great store. i bought my zebra purse there too. the picture isn't that good. (my charger will be here tomorrow i hope) but its light blue green with branches and flowers on it. i love it. it's a vinyl material or something. super cool.

they have a suit of armor out front! rob wants to buy it lol.
 it won't let me upload pictures i'll do it tmrw.

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