Sunday, August 8, 2010


So this week has been kind of eventful. thursday i went over memere's to see aunt jacqui thats always a fun time. i worked on some knitting and i got a lot done on the rug. these are the pics i took that night of the fam.

thursday was also my last official day at camp. i may sub in one day next week though and i'll be jimmy's chauffeur still.

me and mom went to see eclipse last week and i knit up this hat up to the decrease but i couldn't tell how much yarn i had left so i finished it after in bayberry.

we also fed some little birds french fries.

i also fixed this hat that i made for the shop. it covers my ears now and i love it. its proudly displayed in bayberry now :]

dad made lobster rolls while i was out but not before i could take pictures with the lobsters!! they were so silly. i'm glad i was gone when they died though lol.

i knit up this cowl friday and saturday it took kind of a while and i should be wider but i like the width how it is. i need to wash it because its a little stiff right now with the two strands of yarn.

while i was knitting it i made a new friend at the tire store. she was an asian woman who sat next to me and watched me knit but she didn't speak english so her husband had to translate. she wants to learn how to knit too. she liked what i was making. its a really pretty color. and the yarn was from ocean state! it was only 3 bucks! talk about a deal!

last night i went over to rob's with my new tires and we watched disney channel lol. we're silly.

i am going out again today with the fam. and hopefully will be back tonight with some more knitting news. :]

1 comment:

  1. You are too cute! Love the stuff you are making. Keep it up! Love ya!
