Thursday, August 26, 2010

eclipse hat, movie scarf & pillow monster

those are just some of the things i've been up to.

i finished pillow monster for ms. lev & i just need to sew it up and put the stuffing in. more on that tomorrow morning.

right after dee picked me up to go to katie's lia sophia party i casted off on my ever so long movie scarf. love it.

after i casted that off i started on my newest START ASAP project for mindless knitting. maybe a little too mindless because i already finished it! it was the hat bella wore in eclipse. (i have enough yarn leftover for another if anyone is interested it would be $15)

the pattern said that it was grey and white. but that is definitely green. i bought the yarn today at bayberry. which is where i finished my monster. i had a fun time catching up with the ladies. tomorrow i'm going there after close to sew up the block party blanket and have a party of our own. ::]

yesterday i started working on my puppy order. finished the body. planned on doing the rest today but i slept until noon lol. then i wanted to finish the pillow monster and scarf and you know.

so katies party was fun. got to meet some new people including her boyfriend hilarious/adorable grandma. ha. and dee had fun with some toys she found. she also won both contests lol. go dee!

the drive there and back was good its about an hour ride and it was fun to hang out with dee and just chat. i worked on my hat obvi cause i hate driving so dee drove. it was fun times. our gps device regina got us lost a little but we shut her up ha ha.

well degrassi is over for the season. and i finished pushing daisies last night. what on earth will i do with myself? ha ha i guess its good i finished them before school starts.

yesterday rob took me to do my errands. buy yarn, pick up POTTERY!!1 and ya know.

Here is my pottery! i loveeeeeeeeee it! can't wait to do more. who wants to go with me???

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