Sunday, August 8, 2010

ice cream!!!

besides knitting ice cream today, i ate a lot of it. (so did babo)

the fam went for a ride and we stopped at poppeys. remember i went here with kaylee? i got a burger & a baby vanilla cone with rainbow sprinkles. my favorite non golden spoon ice cream treat. :]

i tried knitting a hat in the car but the yarn i brought was NOT hat yarn. it was super stiff and it looked like the hat would be too big. so i ripped it off the needle and it fit perfect it just wasn't the kind of yarn for a hat i guess. so i am using some nice green yarn instead.

but on the ride i saw some pretty cool things:

so i worked on my last ice cream scoop & the cone today. i finished the cone when i was with lauren. we went driving around town so we could talk forever lol. we can talk for hours. fun times. we walked around at norton park but it started to get dark and stuff.
now i have 5 adorable ice cream scoops.

that turned into an adorable ice cream cone

 destinee posted the cutest picture of kyley and the monster i made for her. i hope kyley likes her!! she's too cute!!

going to go watch a movie & work on my hat now.

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