Tuesday, July 13, 2010

parties, knitting & netflix

Saturday was Memere & Pepere's second anniversary party and it was fun. The cousins I knew were there so we all got to hang out.

 I wore my dress from Forever 21 and my cowgirl boots that I never wear lol.

I worked on a cute striped hat. I wanted it to have a cable but it didn't really work out. But I finished it the next morning so its pretty cute. i had some yarn leftover and i am going to make some mittens out of it.

I got a pretty cool face paint on my back. it was pretty cool.

The next day we went to new London for the sail fest. it was really hot and boring so we left and went to Eli cannons. the only good part about sail fest is that i saw Katie :]
also i bought some sailor bracelets

on the way to new London i knitted up a basic knit hat with my chunky yellow yarn. I'm going to put a flower on it and give it to my swap partner.

Eli Cannon's is the coolest restaurant ever. I really liked it. I def want to go there with Rob sometime.

yesterday i finally got to see rob after 3 loooooong days. i missed him so much while he was at con. :[
we watched liar liar on the netfilx that i got and then we went to target and we had a really nice day. then i got ET in the mail from netflix and we watched that after dinner. it was so good. i love him. i might try to figure out how to knit an ET.

last night me and purl watched weeds when i got home i love when she cuddles in the covers like this:

I am designing an owl stuffed animal to knit up. i drew a basic idea but i need to look at more owls first.

Today I've been doing a ton of errands and crossing things off my todo list. i only have like 7 more things. right now i'm watching secret life cause i missed it last night. then i am going to clean purl's cage out. and my car out.

i got my new book in the mail yesterday, cathy's key. its the third one in a series. i am goig to read that while i felt the bowl for mommy. i never found time to do it and when i did find time someone was already using the wash lol.

rob will be getting out of work soon and then we are going to hang out again.

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