Wednesday, July 14, 2010

mitten & slipper

Today I did 2 pretty awesome things.
1. I made a slipper this afternoon. took about 2 1/2 hours.
2. I made a mitten tonight. took about 2 hours.

I feel super accomplished.
Unfortunately I didn't get to ship out my swap gifts because I was at Bayberry for 5 hours straight lol but i feel good. :]

I didn't think I would have enough purple to do the tip, i under estimated myself so the other mitten which is turquoise to match the stripes in the hat will have a purple tip to match the other mitten but opposite. while doing the mitten i learned how to make one front and make one away. yeah me. i love teaching myself new things.

I completed the one slipper. I learned today how to do a provisional cast on. congrats to me. i will have to relearn it to do the other slipper lol. maybe this time it will stick.

so tomorrow i am going to do slipper #2.  start keri's jellyfish. i also have an experimental cupcake hat to work on as well as mitten #2. I give myself too many projects lol. i wanna start my owl i planned as well as another misknit for rob.

i put feet & a face on my little perry. the beak will be cuter in the future. :]

this is purls favorie nap spot. her new one actually is what i orignally planned to be her litter box but she decided otherwise. its now nap central when she isn't behind her food bowl.

purl loves babyfood btw. bananas is good she says. so is apples and chicken. she licks it off my fingers when i feed it to her. so cute.

i cleaned my car today! woo hoo i even cleaned the trunk. that was all that was left on yesterdays to do list. now that one is done. :]

i felted moms bowl. i have to make the little hearts to go in it. i thinki will dedicate one dya to just making hearts. :]

also robby bought me a stuffed hello kitty at ctcon. i love her. :]

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