Monday, July 26, 2010

boring but productive

this afternoon was pretty blah. the morning was good, went to work- tried to make ice cream- failed. went to the mall with lauren -shopped- left my bag in the car lol.
i did bring in my candy though!! i've been looking for buttons Everywhere. and btw these lollipops are my favorite ones ever. i love the cherry cheesecake best.

then i got home and had no plans so i did this:
1. boho baby hat needs pom poms but i'll wait til bayberry for jim. he makes the best.

2. girl cucake hat. finally looks right. soon to have hearts.

3. jelly fish all put together :] trust me the top is not blue its purple the camera is just lame. hope keri likes it!!! i stuffed it with polypellets so it would be squishy like i'd imagine a jelly to be. but i wrapped the pellets in a plastic bag so it makes a krinkle sound lol. if i didn't though they would seep through the holes in the bottom cover. oh well i just need to tweak my design for future reference. i love it just the same. i love the multi color pink tentacles best. :]

4. my sock is at the decrease portion. i am just way too bored with it to go any farther tonight. i have been letting it sit for ages. it took me all through degrassi and the swan princess to get it up this far. tomorrow i will decrease the toe.

 also today i got my swap gift in from emily-joy! it was an under the sea theme and i love everything!! i can't wait to use the yarn it is so soft and chunky! my favorite! and i love the little mermaid she sent. and i just love everything. i can't wait to give petey some of the catnip!!
 well tomorrow is swimming at work i better hit the hay. and its also my dads birthday tomorrow! happy birthday dad! love you! hopefully i'll be able to show you my first finished pair of socks tomorrow!


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