Sunday, June 13, 2010


Today was a WIP day. I worked on a lot of my work in progresses. i may have a couple stragglers hidden in my room lol. 

i worked on sewing my blocks together first. i still have to finish the medium one and the small one to make. the big one is done.

then i casted off my little cable class dishcloth.
i love it. :]

after that i worked on rob's dishcloth he started when i TRIED to teach him to knit.
he got 3 rows done. i did the next 75 lol. but its done. 

then i started a hat, i know not a work in progress but i had it organized in a bag to be started and i finished it. unfortunately it doesn't fit me and i have no one who it will fit :[ i love the colors so much. i will prob put it up on my etsy account for sale.

i was hanging out with rob all morning. we got dq, and watched some top gear. then he had work :[

after dinner time, which i just realized i never ate, well we went to the grocery store and i got some starbucks drinks for this week at work and some arizona ice tea. i also got a lot of fruit and veggies.

so i realllllllllllly want a pet rat. i have been begging my mom since my last one died in 6th grade but she is really persistant. i told her my gift from her for my birthday should be to LET me get one. not even get me one just LET me. she said she would think about it tonight if i didn't talk about it anymore. i'mTRYING not to get my hopes up but i really want a pet of my own. i heard people train them to do tricks and stuff. peanut was the best, she was a great model on the barbie furniture. i would def bring my new pet everywhere i went. i would let it sit on my shoulder all the time. peanut used to climb down my shirt and then back up it was so cool. i loved her. i was so devastated when she died :[ hopefully i get a new one soon and i can have some rat cuddles again. take some model pictures.

i am going to go to bed. i'm exhausted. good thing i know what i want to wear to work tomorrow.

night! comments = love

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