Tuesday, June 1, 2010


So I was going to post last night but I wanted to finish my thunder cloud.
But now it's finally done!!!

And I made my pescovegetarian hat. i didn't like the fish bone pattern continuous throughout the hat i was getting bored of it. so i did some and then straight knitted and then decreased in the fishbone pattern. i really like how it came out. i love the yarn !!! my first time ever using alpaca yarn and its a gorgeous teal color with tweed in it or however you explain tweed. I have another ball of alpaca in a light bluegreen and i may make another or find another slouch hat for it. 

right now it just stopped raining here it was thundering for a while. it started right when i finished my thundercloud. i really like his eyes. i originally did yellow circles but i hated it so i thought my "black" roving would look good against this black yarn. it looks really nice. i love him. he is for my swap partner though, my best stuff always is! 

yesterday me & rob went to see Shrek 4. we got our tickets for free because we used a coupon and the girl didn't charge us for some reason. so we got snacks and we were all alone in the theater so we didn't have to whisper and it was really fun. I love shrek. :]

going to start the koala's from itty bitty toys now for peyton's christening. 
the bigger one will be for kaylee and the little one for peyton. it's going to be really cute.

well have to deliver an order now! comments = love!

i just got home a bit ago from the greek dinner at Riverside. kinda yum lol. i tried it atleast.
it's fun to hang out with the knitting ladies! and betty & briana. 

i taught everyone how to kfb... yeah :]

and then i went to target with jimmy & i bought a bathing suit. :] i love it. it was on sale. i've been watching it closely. it was 18.99 and then i waited and i got it for 12.58 :] go bargain shoppers!

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