Saturday, May 29, 2010

zombie misknit, shrek, mocha frap, best weekend

So my parental units went away this morning. last night rob slept over and it was fun today we had a fun day we went to get a pizza for lunch. love randy's pizza.we also got starbucks. i got a mocha frappuccino and rob got a caramel coffee one. SO DELICIOUS. then we watched a ton of top gear. this is while i am knitting rob's swaim misknit in zombie bbq. it went faster than i thought but it still took forever. i love how he came out though, i love him zombie eye.

right now we are watching shrek 3. i need to see shrek 4 i'm so excited to see it. 

so we'll watch this 

and a bunch more of this 

and then tomorrow who knows. it's our monthaversary though!!! but this is a really good weekend so far.

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