Saturday, June 26, 2010

sock, scrabble, and scarfs

Let's start with socks:
well I haven't posted a picture of the lovely socks my swap partner made me. here is one! I love them. so comfy and warm!!! i can't wait until my toes heal so i can wear them!

Now onto my sock... TA DA!
sock #2 has the cuff finished and one row.
now sock #1 has an issue. i did k2p2 rib for the cuff and it came out WAY too loose. So sock #2 has k1p1 rib. idc if they are a little different!

These are my amazing scrabble words from playing at my uncle Wally's house!!!

right now i'm working on a couple knitting projects. one being a dropped stitch scarf. I also have a perry the platypus going for jimmy. and i have my sock #2. i'm pretty excited. 

now onto purl updates.
today she was acting really weird all day and i finally took her out because she calmed down and she licked my neck like all over it was weird haha. then she started chewing my hair. not her usual shoulder sitting personality haha. i liked the licking though it felt really silly! 

i also learned she reallllllllly loves cheerios.

she also figured out how to climb onto my head! (i am wearing shorts btw lol)

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