Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pups & beads :)

Today I took Maggie to the groomers and went to bayberry to wait for her. I started working on my wrap me up pup for my swap partner gonetothek9s obvious she loves dogs lol so I made this! I did the whole body I only have the limbs left.

Maggie looks so cute!! I took adorable before and after pictures. They'll be up soon. these are the afters.

Betty switched my patty scarf class to tomorrow instead of friday so I've been stringing beads since I finished the dog body. I strung 381 and I need to string 1000.

Also I finished my book. It was so good. That series really hooks me in. I am so mad it ended with anotherrrrr cliff hanger. I'll have to wait who knows how long to get the next one.

Tomorrow I am working on the diaper as soon as my class with Betty is over so I can get it done for Friday. Then I'll make the pups feet :) so tired but feel accomplished.

Btw I sold another book on :)

P.S. Camera still not working :/ I need to find my charger so I can use my camera instead of my moms stupid broken one. Lol.

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