Thursday, June 10, 2010

Best buddies, beads, and boy

Today after work I had my patty scarf class. I finished stringing my beads and I got about 2 inches of my scarf done! I love how it looks! The beads are multi colored and it just looks awesome. Can't wait until it's done.

After I didn't feel good so I took an extemely long nap. Needless to say not much got done lol.

When I woke up we went to the best buddies end of the year picnic. It was a ton of fun and the camera is fixed so I took pictures!!!

When I got home from that my boy came over <3 he got a 95 on his microbiology practical I am very proud of him.

We watched top gear and I made my puppy ears. Tomorrow I'll do the feet at the twins house and work on the diaper the rest of the day.

Comments = love
I'll post the pictures in the morning!

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