Tuesday, June 8, 2010

elf hat!

Today I knitted up the cutest little hat. it has a long long i-cord to make it a stocking hat. i kept messing up the icord and re doing it. but i finally figured it out. i kinda really love it. i made the 3-9 month size. it said the 3-9 month size could fit up to a 3 year old as well. its just so cute!

I also made a misknit shirt today. I have to make another because i was too anxious and peeled too soon and a couple misknits are bubbly and ripping. :[ its cute though i like it. i wrote my website on the back and stuff too.

today was a nice day. i picked up mama and then we got dominic and pia's. YUM! and then we went to Michael's where i actually found a better rusty red for the elf hat that i made. it looks a million times better. and then i got my allergy shot.

tomorrow i need to figure out what to make my swap partner on ravelry. i had 3 total and i sent out 2. i have everything for the third swap but haven't made anything. i am thinking of making the wrap me up pup from itty bitty knits. i suppose i could do it out of order as long as i make the WHOLE book.

oh i also read like half of my house of the night book, Burned. i love this series. its a vampire series. (DUH) and so good. totally different than twilight too. i love it.

for some reason my mom's camera is taking pictures but isn't saving them onto the chip. so idk what to do. i will try to take some pictures tomorrow!!!

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