Tuesday, May 4, 2010

thunderstorms & meetings

Today was an ok day. Let's see I went to work. had a little tear jerker when my boy couldn't read his test and i couldn't help him at ALL! ugh, i can't do this job if it's going to make me cry like that. but he ended up getting out of taking it so i felt better quickly.

then i got home, finished the pair of leg warmers i was working on for emma. her kitty hat is almost done. i'll post the picture tmrw when i do the bow & tassles. tomorrow i need to buy yarn for the other hat.

then i made krista a cute little seal. i may try to redo the face to make it more like the picture she gave me.

i fell in love with the car for sale down the street from me. its $5000 and i wish i could afford it. this brand of car was on top gear and i love top gear so much. and its such a pretty color! ahhh. this isn't the actual one but here is a picture of the mg midget in the same color.

i had 2 meetings today one about a part time job and one about camp.
i hope i get the job because unfortunately camp can't afford to bring me back this year. :[ i'm pretty sad but it's not definite yet.

after that i went to riverside pizza with patty, gena, and patty's mom betty. we had a greek dinner and it was actually pretty good. my leftovers smell like poop but i think its just all mixed up in the container.

then i came home and watched glee and knitted erica a hurricane hat. i actually got this yarn when we went to maine and erica was with us! i have been dying to use it and hurricane hat is my latest favorite pattern. i'm going to make it nice and slouchy too. 

tomorrow i am going to get my mama from my aunt's house and we are going to get some lunch and hit the target. :] i hate when she's gone on the weekends. it makes me sad. i watch the soaps alone in her room. but i missed them today. i did watch the view alone in there though lol.

and here is my maggie mae inside during the thunderstorm. i think she needs a bath and then i'll take her to meet betty one day.
 goodnight for now !! i'll leave you with some glee quotes
"he'll never understand what it really means to be jewish!" puck
"i took all my antibiotics at the same time and now i forgot how to leave" brittany
"how do you still know more than i do after all these years?" sue to her sister

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