Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bayberry Day!

Today I spent the day at Bayberry once I finished work. It was a nice time! I brought a BUNCH of projects and almost all of them are done. Betty had hand surgery so she needed my help around the shop.
I finished my monster named Klecks. I may make his eye bigger in the future. But he's cute.

Then I worked on a hat for baby Emma. I finished that. Pompom compliments of Jim. Bets pompom maker ever.

Then I tore out my cupcake so i can redo it and feel good about it. I can't wait. Now that i have it ripped out I can double the yarn for the frosting with what I originally used plus the rest of my skein. then it'll fit the gauge of the bottom part.

Then I finished the bow for Emma's hello kitty hat. Now It's only missing the tassles which will be done tomorrow.

After all this I picked up Jimmy and we went back down. Patty bought him a knifty knitter loom and I'm teaching myself how to do it so I can teach him easier. It's pretty simple he can probably do it with more practice. He was so happy though she let him pick out yarn for a hat and she had Jim give him a bayberry tote. He was so excited. I can't wait until he gets the hang of it! And i like it too!

I retook a picture of my icecream cone as well. I haven't gotten over to golden spoon to drop it off but i did take a picture on my actual camera. which was broken, until i brought it to best buy to be fixed. and my ipod was acting up that day as well. until i got to the apple store. just my luck!

oh well. tomorrow should be a nice day. i heard it was going to rain but i only have babysitting planned so who knows what will happen!


  1. I just love picture #2!!!! You need to make these one eyed monsters with these hats and SELL them!!!

  2. haha the monsters are for sale lol but i was using him as a hat stand. you think i should make him his own?
