the newest memer of our misknit family is..... swaim!
I let rob choose the colors and what he'd basically look like...and name him.which is why his name isn't german.
i kinda really like him though!
so today was a kinda blah day. but rob did get his hair cut! pictures will be up tomorrow!
i started my way through the itty bitty toy book.i decided not to give myself a deadline and to do as much as i can when i can. i started the blocks today. i have one side complete and one side started. hopefully i will complete the second side tomorrow.then i will start hungrig for tante mimi and two misknits for mr. ehmka. :]
i posted a ton of pictures on etsy and i put 3 misknits on there. :]
i can't wait to show betty my misknits tomorrow!!!
so tired. must go to bed. (even though i took a nap earlier i'm still tired)
ahhh i'm so excited the family is done!!!
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