I keep forgetting to blog! Even when i take pictures to use in here. UGH it's kind of frustrating when I think about it. The more time I have the less I'm getting done.
Anyways. Friday I didn't work, I stayed home and went out for breakfast with Daddy & Mama. I had chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream. SO GOOD!
Then me & Dad went to the flea market to get Mommy beads. We got her a coke can, an angel, and a bird house for her pandora bracelet. it's almost full now. I also saw these huge speed stick needles! OMG! Aren't the the biggest things ever?!
After I saw those I realized they were in a big box of yarn. I asked how much and the guy said 20 bucks for everything. he kept trying to give me needle point stuff and i was like no i'm good!!! I already have an addicting hobby thanks.
So this is my new project. I have to wind all this. Most of it is red heart which is yuck but for my monster prototypes is amazingly perfect. i love stash yarn. i really need to buy more storage for my yarn. i looked into another one of those ikea cubby holes but the price went up since i bought it :/.
So yesterday my bff lauren came over and we did a ton of gossiping and girl talking and then i showed her jimmy's loom! um... shes obsessed a little. i gave her the baby one and she is almost done. we are soo hanging out this week so she can finish it and we can find her a loom of her own. we listened to a ton of glee and kesha so we were a little hyper.....
the green and sparkly are the yarns i made my hat out of.
We also got dairy queen which = love. it was really crowded and this older couple copied every conversation we had. they kept "coincidentally" talking about ALL the same things lol.
I also finished Memere's shawl I was working on with the homespun Rob's grandma gave me. I love the color and i love the feel but it makes my allergies bother me when i knit with it. the fiber gets on my hands and my hands go up to my face and i sneeze and itch. which sucks cause it is so soft. i have a snuggly made by mimi of my own which i love i keep it on my feet to keep the allergies from acting up. :]
Today was mothers day. Daddy went to BK this am and got us all breakfast. I had cinamin buns and they were good. then we didn't eat lunch and had an early supper at joey garlics. omg. i ate so much i feel disgusted with myself. honestly. i had a milk shake to drink, we ordered 2 egg plant fries, i had my meal- ice berge wedge salad. which i only ate half of, and we ordered 3 donut orders and i took 3 home. i still feel sick and its been more than 4 hours lol. i took a nap when i got home! i actually just woke up a half hour ago.
Yesterday auntie helen and kristin came to pick up Mama for lunch and brough Kaylee and Peyton inside to visit. I had so much fun with ms. Kaylee. She is so hilarious the things she says are just too cute. she can never remember my name. until yesterday i was so excited.
me: kaylee whats my name
k: emi!
mommy: kaylee whats my name?
k: ...uh oh... oops.
lol. it was too cute. i let her pick a toy from my room and she tried taking all of them. and my mom had given her a fur real friend panda that moved and made sounds so she wanted me to turn the toy i gave her on i was like... thats just a stuffed animal lol sorry.
So I think thats everything in a nut shell. I'll try to blog every day again like i was.
I'm currently working on:
cabled wash cloth from my class saturday
cupcake pincushion
i love you dish cloth
anchor square for block party (because i dropped a stitch and have to re do it)
and more things i don't even remember.
i think i will enter in the ravelry WIP contest coming up so i can get stuff done.
auntie mimi ordered a hungrig today and tyler ordered an ice cream cone for aubrey. both of those need to be done asap!
this is maggie wearing the sweater back i found in my new stash... i tried to make it a dog shirt. it would fit if she didn't have so much fur. the cat wouldn't let me put it on him though. lol.
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