Sunday, April 18, 2010

redo on a monster face

I redid the face on mageres. i wasn't liking it at all. i think it had too much of hellokittyesque in her and not enough cuteness. not to say hk is cute but the other features of his face made it look like hello kitty done wrong. so i redid it. Betty gave me a great idea of adding eyelashes so i gave her one eye and eyelashes. i think it looks better. tell me what you think.

as for yesterday. i am still exhausted. i was up early at at bettys before she even opened for my entrelac class with jen. so much fun. i'm definitely loving it. and then i had a break knit my scarf then hung out for a while until 2. then i had my lace class. shoot me!!! so tedious. this scarf will never get done. but i'm trying to think positive.

then i just hung out at robs until i had to be woken up to go home haha. the best days end falling asleep to cartoons.

so rob is on his way over now. he has a project to work on and i have some stuff to do. then hopefully we'll get lunch out or something fun. i really wanna get 90% of my scarf done before my next class. the entrelac one lol. i will work on my lace one at some point.

i also have to work on my square for the block party blanket. and i have to make my partners gift for the swap and remake kaylee something since my mom wanted to keep the original. ha. oh mom. i think i may make her something super adorable. i am thinking wrap me up pup. but i' not sure. i have plenty in my queue on ravelry to choose from.

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