Friday, April 16, 2010


I made another monster today but I'm not a fan of this one. It looks too much like hello kitty. I think the white yarn really throws it off. Give me some feedback. But I love the other ones so far. I have named them all too. The one I made today is mageres. I forgot what it means though. It's german. But I've made Dumm. The brown one. Hungrig, the purple one. And Augenbraue the orange one. Auslander was the original but i decided it doesn't match the rest of the family. But my favorite so far is Augenbraue. I love him. He's awesome. So I'm trying to think of little stories about them too so I can sell them. I am really excited about them. 

Today I went to Bayberry as soon as I woke up, then I worked on ripping out my slipper & then my adopted grandparents showed up. It was fun to sit and chat with everyone. 

Today I got assigned my partner for the ravelry toy swap. I am so pumped. I'm waiting for my partner to give me their information and then I'll get going on making her toy! :] so exciting.

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