Monday, April 5, 2010

My room is clean!!!

So I didn't go to class today. I honestly can stand another minute of it. I am already sick thinking about Wednesday. :/ But, I was VERY productive today! my room is spotless! All I have to do is put my clean clothes away. But if I give my sister a dollar she might do it. I organized my yarn again but I think I need more space. some colors need more than one bin and its crazy! i have an abundant amount of brwn, and various shades of blue and purple. I need to assign projects to each ball! 

Anyways, i also went for a walk with Maggie. She was very good and I might do it again tomorrow but actually go to the trail and walk instead. 

I realized today that my roving is named after one of the boys I babysit!!! SO COOL!

I went for a little ride with Rob today. This is what happens when you tell your boyfriend to smile.

After watching the twins, so like... 9am I went to Target and I bought a new phone! I'm in love. The only downside is I can't put a media chip in it so all pictures must be emailed. oh well. no big deal.

Work was fun, the boy I made the red hat for LOVED it. When I walked in first  thing he did was go "did you make my knit thing?" he was so happy he threw his arms around me. That's what knitting is all about!

I stuffed Katie's boobs and sewed them up today. They look very realistic LOL! I can't wait to see her car zooming around with them swaying. I wonder what Casey will think Katie!!!

I am going to start City Mouse tomorrow. I'm doing him in varigated wool and I am going to felt him. I think he'll look cuter that way and I can needle felt him afterwards.

Tomorrow Rob and I are going to felt some soap! I am very excited for this!

My room smells weird. I thought it was the fish bowl, so I changed his water. Then it was still there... so I thought maybe my garbage... but then i changed that and still there. I sprayed perfume but now its back full force. I can't even find where its coming from! SOMEBODY HELP!
It just smells rotten in here!

I wish my itty bitty books would get here faster!

I got the email today that my ravelympics pin is coming soon! all proceeds go to special olympics! Go get one!!!

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