Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Today was easter and the easter bunny told me no one was getting gifts so it was kinda surprising to be woken up early to open my easter gifts. I got some eyeliner, candy, perfume, girlie stuff mostly. It was fun. Then we went to lunch at the Painted Pony with the Le Blanc side. The other side was there as well so we stopped over to their table to visit. It was really good food and I got another inch done on my hat. I got an inch done on the way their too. So I was ready to decrease once I got home.

When I got home Robby picked me up and I got another easter surprise! Claire made us the cutest easter bag of goodies! Coloring book and markers, glow sticks, candy, swirly maker stencil thing, cool stuff. We colored some Alladin pictures and I convinced Rob to let me listen to Disney music on the laptop. I was belting some A Whole New World, and Beauty & the Beast, Just around the River Bend, and Colors of the Wind.

I finished my hat in the meantime! I love it! It's a great pattern! Rob loves being my model.

Then I read up on pocohantas and did you know she was only 10 when the suposed story of her and john smith happened? and she never had a love interest with him, that would have been totally gross but some random person made it up. And she was only 20ish when she died! How sad. I love Pocohantas! I really need a disney marathon this week!

 So I'm so exhausted. I really just wanna clean my room all day tomorrow. It's frustrating me now. Too messy. And I have like NO clothes to wear. Everything is in my dirty PILE. LOL. I have a bunch of yarn to get wound too. Ugh. This week just needs to end. Next week is my vacation from work and ugh! I can't WAIT! OMG! It's going to be amazing. 

I am going to look at a new school in hopes I can transfer, I'm so sick of not learning. 
Tomorrow, I am getting a new phone! I am pretty excited about it. I'm getting so sick of the one i already have. It's been a year. Somethings need to change lol. I need change. I rearrange my room ALL the time and I need to just change things a lot. IDK why. I love rearranging things. But the set up of my room now is actually perfect. Too bad it is such a pig sty!

Well I need to get some rest. Hopefully I'l find time for a nap before I babysit the boys!

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