Wednesday, April 7, 2010

City mouse found a house

Today I made city mouse from lion brand. I did him in lion brand felting yarn multi colored. Then I felted her. Not him. And needle felted flowers and a face. Very cute. I'm in love. We might even have a sleepover tonight. And of course tomorrow is a show and tell everywhere I go.

I signed up for all my knitting classes today. First one is tmrw. Felted clogs taught by my favorite. Betty.

I got my ravelympics pin today! And a knit picks catalogue :) I love mail. If anyone likes to penpal count me in! Email me your address!

I rly need to take pictures but I'm going to wait to use moms camera so it's better quality than my cellular.

I'm reading the Friday night knit club right now i just finished ch 3 I think. The first chapter made me almost cry lol. It should be a life time movie.

So mert was in again today it's like last summer again! :)

Psychology was fun Katie loved her boobies. Ill have to make her take pictures when she hangs them up! (Katie that's an order!)

I am tired and should sleep tmrw I got some stuff to get done along with my class during break.

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