Friday, April 2, 2010

Julie & Julia and a Hedgehog named Harriet

Today I got to hang out with my bestie Lauren, we always have so much fun!

We went to apple bees and then we went to Golden Spoon and I got a Kahlua sundae with hot fudge and chocolate sprinkles!!! so delish!

Then when I got home I rescued the cat from the outdoors, he likes to sneak out sometimes and it scares me half to death. But he's cuddling in my bed as of now.
Then I decided no one was home, I was bored, I hadn't started any new knitting, so I napped. for two hours. it felt so nice. 

When I woke up mom, jimmy and I went to Golden Spoon (I'm sorry, i can't help myself i have issues! does anyone know where i can sign up for ice cream anonymous?) I got a kiddie sized banana this time, ladies and gentlemen GO ME! I only had like 1/3 of it. The rest is in the fridge waiting for me.

After this went down I decided to make an animal and I was on ravelry looking for a hedgehog pattern. I wanted a quick one, nice and easy. I didn't find any free ones i liked... so i looked at the pictures and I made my own!!! I am so proud of her. I used my horrible to knit with shoot me now fun fur. I can't stand fun fur but I did it and I only have like 3/4 of a ball left... oh joy. at least she looks adorable and I love her nose how it turns up! i even did a good job on her smile! i really do need to learn to embroider faces next though. 

While making Harriet I watched Julie & Julia with the parental units. They didn't even know I blogged. Silly gooses! So I decided that I love the movie and I want to be like Julie. So I am going to knit my way through Susan Anderson's Itty Bitty Toys book. Which I ordered this morning along with Itty Bitty Hats. Remember I blogged about how I aspire to be Susan? Well this is my chance to prove to myself that I can do that! I am so excited. Tomorrow I am going to Webs in Massachusetts with Robbycakes and I am going to pick u some Spud & Cloe yarn which is what Susan uses. I am also going to grab roving and maybe some buttons. I've never been there so I don't know what to expect. Meaning I'm bringing a ton of money! 

I need to go to bed so that I am well rested for my hour ride up to MA. Can't wait to tell you all about the trip!

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